Millennial Households Continue to Provide Optimism for the Lawn & Garden Industry
Younger respondents (18-34-year-olds) accounted for a quarter of estimated lawn and garden spending in 2018, despite having lower household incomes than others and being more likely to live in an apartment or condo. Household participation in lawn and garden activities among younger households largely matches other age groups but has grown at a higher rate than others since 2014.
In his article on, Matthew Boyle wrote: "American Millennials have been accused of dooming all sorts of things: beer, golf, cereal. But the cohort is credited with reviving the once-moribund market for houseplants. In the past three years, U.S. sales have surged almost 50 percent to $1.7 billion, according to the National Gardening Association. With many Millennials delaying parenthood, plants have become the new pets, fulfilling a desire to connect to nature and the blossoming 'wellness' movement. For a group that embraces experiences and travel, moreover, plants give Gen-Yers something to care for that won't die - or soil the rug - when they're not around."
The just-released 2019 National Gardening Survey, published by the National Gardening Association's research division,, reveals new and important information regarding the $50+ billion lawn and garden industry. Overall, lawn and garden spending increased in 2018 to $52.3 billion, despite a slight decrease in household participation.
The lion's share of spending in the lawn and garden industry is led by wealthy households; however, Millennial households once again report strong levels of participation, spending, and perhaps most importantly, planned future purchases. The 2019 National Gardening Survey reveals that 38 percent of 18-34-year-olds plan to spend more on lawn and garden activities in 2019, compared to the overall average of 29 percent.
Younger households also show a very high level of interest in cultivating legal cannabis: Nearly half, an estimated 35.9 million U.S. residents, say they would definitely or probably grow a type of cannabis if it were legal to do so. Seven and a half million of these young adults interested in growing cannabis say that no one in their household currently participates in any lawn and garden activity.
As noted by industry analyst Ian Baldwin, "That's millions of individuals who do not currently do any gardening who would dip a toe into the water, possibly leading to a long-term relationship with the lawn and garden industry."
The 222-page National Gardening Survey is now available at
About GardenResearch
Since 1973, ( has been the nation's most widely recognized and cited authority on the U.S. consumer lawn and garden market. Working with marketing research technology leader Dynata for data collection and the University of New Hampshire Survey Center for analysis, we provide both standardized and custom in-depth market research information
and analysis for the lawn, garden and nursery industries. Our market research reports and research services have helped companies identify and define marketing opportunities. Our reports and services also help companies improve their advertising, sales presentations, brand awareness, positioning, product development, strategic planning, customer satisfaction, investor relations, mail order catalogs, websites, and more. services include research design, survey development, data collection, results tabulation, analysis, and presentation of findings. We regularly conduct both quantitative and qualitative research studies including National Gardening Survey research and proprietary market research.
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